Dismantling Systemic Racism and Polarization
(White artists) I acknowledge that I propagate and benefit from systemic racism, and my financial reparations include _______.
I acknowledge I am part of a group of performers that do not reflect the diversity of our communities. To change this, I … Please refer to www.beyondartists.org … send back to website for more context.
(For anyone) With these performances, I stand in solidarity with people of color who are marginalized through systemic racism and industries, and support _______.
_______ is committed to working toward greater equity and programmatic representation for BBI, LGBTQ, and female voices across the field.
See ______’s website for ways we can actively amplify BIPOC individuals in the classical music arena and beyond.
To help dismantle systemic racism [in my industry and beyond], I …
I support [Border CrosSing] as a way to support equity in the classical music arena.
Simply listing the organization you support is an effective step as well.
Additional statement:
Tonight, I am performing on the ________ land. (Indigenous land map here.) If you include this, please read the page on how to do this as the “how” is extremely important.
(Refer again to Black Voices Matter pledge)
Include on your personal website space for how you are working toward IDEA actions (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access) in your life and work, and resources for how others can do the same
Donate your comp tickets to a local nonprofit that works toward efforts in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and ask to speak to those comp ticket holders after the concert to build connection. Also, make sure those ticket holders can get to the concert (offer a Lyft or personal ride). Offer comp tickets to another upcoming concert to continue the relationship and engagement.
Offer to your directors to do Talk Backs after concerts to build community connection
Offer recitals as auction items for galas and program music by composers of color
Put an aria by a composer of color on your 5 Aria Audition Package (we need to change the opera world!). Also include more works by composers of color on your rep list.
Program composers of color on recitals, and many of them
Work to create safe spaces for people of color to voice true concerns
Perform with organizations who purposefully engage members of our communities that might typically be excluded from or not represented in Classical Music
Arts Organizations
Sphinx Organization
Castle of our Skins
Border CrosSing
Shelter Music (this is not focused on People of Color, but does bring classical music to groups of people - homeless people - that are otherwise typically left out of the Classical Music world)
Hamilton Garrett Music and Arts Academy (Boston’s Black-run music organization teaching students classical music from the Aftrican Diaspora. Their mission: "challenge inner-city youth to see themselves as positive producers of culture, music, and the arts as a whole, rather than merely consumers of it.")
Black Visions Collective
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
The Bail Project
Campaign Zero
Black Lives Matter
Rock the Vote
General Resource Center
Engaged Music Theory (extensive resources listed)
Indicutus (highlights, recordings, and information on under-represented composers)
Song Helix (a way to search art songs by poet, date of composition, thematic links, keywords, or utility)
Music Theory Examples by Women (scores, music, and recordings by women composers for all the basic musical forms and other fundamental music theory concepts)
Musicians/Composers of Color
Across disciplines
Black and Brown Composers of Baroque Latin America (compiled by Henry Lebedinsky) [Watch the accompanying webinar]
AfriClassical blog
Black Composers in Europe: A Works List (jstor)
Black Voices Matter Pledge (Offers framework for various disciplines on how to amplify BBI)
Melanated Moments in Classical Music: “...a new podcast [that]...shines a spotlight on musical works composed by, for, and about Black people.
A project “to help rectify historic and ongoing racial injustices in the classical music sphere.” It includes:
Composers of Color of Nineteenth-Century New Orleans: The History behind the Music
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) composers active before 1850
Recorded sessions of Table For More
This workshop provided a framework for discussing racism personally and professionally, offered resources and perspectives to help shape our work, and tools to “change the table” (document summarizing the workshop is here)
Phillip Schoultz “Welcome” Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lDQ0vn8fsk
Session #1 Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qm-vuMfmyJE&t=645s
Session #2 Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md5DFHs3PRM
Session #3 Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzl77HXq6BQ&list=PLSAEL61W8EgHhEcQh_0i2XN2i6mrGy4rY&index=1
Vocal Music
The African Diaspora Music Project (searchable database of song repertoire)
Felicia Barber (new book released 2020: “A New Perspective for the Use of Dialect in African American Spirituals: History, Context, and Linguistics. (New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020)
African American Art Song
Alliance webpage
Articles, Books, Documentaries
So You Want to Sing Spirituals: Randye Jones
“Singing Down the Barriers” Project by Emery Stephens and Caroline Helton, focuses on “Encouraging Singers of All Racial Backgrounds to Perform Music by African American Composers”
Burns, Lori. “Feeling the Style: Vocal Gesture and Musical Expression in Billie Holiday, Bessie Smith, and Louis Armstrong.” Music Theory Online11/3 (2005).
Black Opera: History, Power, and Engagement (full text Wellesley library here)
Aida’s Brothers and Sisters (2 part documentary available on Medici TV, through Wellesley Music Library)
Kassia Database (Instagram)
Timeline: https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/native-american-timeline
Native American Songs and the Frontiers of Early Modern Music: Olivia Bloechl (released Oct 15, 2020)
500 Nations, Alvin Josephy (full text available here) - Also documentary
Native Pathways: American Indian Culture and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century (availble online here)
Indigenous Pop: Native American Music from Jazz to Hip Hop (Full text here)
Natalie Curtis Burlin: A Life in Native and African American Music (Full text here)
We Shall Remain (2010)
First Speakers: Restoring the Ojibwe Language (2010)
Native American History https://www.gale.com/native-american-history
H. Leslie Adams
Robert Owens
Andre Meyers
Jacqueline Hairston
Dave Ragland
Florence Price
Cliff Notez (local to Boston)
Jacqueline Hairston
Rosephayne Powell
Betty Jackson King
Tania León
Alvin Singleton—former composer in residence at Atlanta Symphony
Rollo Dillworth
Ysaye Barnwell
Sulpitia Cesis, 17c cloistered nun
Reena Esmail
Leslie Adams Blake
William Grant Still
Robert Owens, “Culture Culture”
Richard Thompson, “The Mask in the Mirror” - American Composers Alliance
Nonprofits working to heal polarization
National Association of Nonpartisan Reformers (member-led Association dedicated to structural election reforms in the public interest)
One America Movement has chapters across the US bringing communities together across divides to work together on issues that matter to them
Civil Conversations Project—organized as part of the On Being Project with Krista Tippet
Center for Courage and Renewal (focused on Parker Palmer’s book “Healing the Heart of Democracy.”)